Programs Offered

Building Garden Beds (Learn about food, finance and…

Farming, hydroponics, financial literacy and building garden beds. Youth will learn the keys to becoming a sustainable farmer. Program may extend beyond November 5, 2023 end date.

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Introduction to Hydroponics

This cohort provides a 16-week farming program focusing on instruction of hydroponics. At the conclusion of the program, each student will receive their own hydroponics growing system helping to foster sustainable growing of food for families in the community.

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Learn About Food & Nutrition

A New Dawn Incorporated is a grassroots community-based program located in the Mill Creek-Parkside section of West Philadelphia focusing on reducing community violence involving youth and adults by building capacity and resilience while supporting families by providing information, education, and fostering engagement among neighbors and residents of Mill Creek-Parkside. We empower our youth by addressing stress and trauma by using training through mentorship, teaching and incorporating how to maintain our garden and greenhouse, and growing fruits and vegetables. Our mission is to rehabilitate young people and empower them to reserve public safety and neighborhood preservation.

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I Farm

Four week farming and hydroponics education program. Children and parents will learn basics of farming and systems for sustainable growing of healthy and nutritious food.

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Building Garden Beds (Learn about food, finance and…

Youth and families will participate in a 6-week farming program building garden beds for Mill Creek. The program will also provide youth and families with educational opportunities in hydroponics, financial literacy and wellness through the use of yoga. Youth and families will leave the program with a basic understanding of farming and systems for sustainable growing of healthy and nutritious food.

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How AI and Drones can Accelerate the Farming…

Artificial intelligence (AI) and drones are revolutionizing the farming industry by providing advanced solutions for precision agriculture. AI algorithms analyze vast amounts of data collected from drones equipped with sensors, satellites, and IoT devices, offering farmers insights into crop health, soil conditions, and water usage. Drones enable efficient monitoring of large agricultural fields, detecting pest infestations, optimizing irrigation, and facilitating pesticide free alternatives. This integration of AI and drones accelerates farming practices, enhances productivity, reduces resource wastage, and promotes sustainable agriculture for a more food-secure future. Please allow your child/children ages 10 to 17 to join us as we embark on a new revolution of farming.

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