Marion St Intergenerational Garden Open Time

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City Blossoms

Marion Open Time is Tuesdays + Thursdays, 4-6pm. This is City Blossoms’ second oldest Community Green Space. This garden is home to a number of free activities, such as Open Time programming with local kids and youth, field trips, and community celebrations.

Open Times are scheduled sessions at our Community Green Spaces that include FREE staff-led activities for children, families, neighbors, volunteers, and anyone who wants to drop by. Open Times are a chance for visitors of all ages to experience the garden through a variety of activities, such as cooking, art, and maintenance. Anyone who comes to lend a hand is welcome to take home some garden goodies as part of our “you help, you harvest” policy. Open Times occur four days a week between April and October and are rain or shine as long as there is no inclement weather, including heavy rain or temperatures over 100 degrees. No RSVP required for groups of five or fewer.

Community Garden
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